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Tips for New Norm Raya during CMCO

This is an approach seen for the time being that public will begin adapting preventive measures to avoid themselves from infected with the lives of millions of people.

Less than 10 days, Muslims all over the world will celebrate Eid Celebration. In conjunction with the announcement of the Minister of National Security (MKN), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, government decided to limit the visit activities for Aidilfitri, Pesta Keamatan and Hari Gawai just for the first day of the festival.

Tips for Visiting during Aidilftri in Covid-19 Season

The decision was made through the recent National Security Council (NSC) meeting as well as sharing standard operating procedures (SOP) on the activities of the visit which had been a routine practice since earlier. For that, we brought some tips to be used for Aidilfitri 2020.

1. 1 Person for 1 hand Sanitizer

This is the necessary equipment for each person. Well at the host, nor do you want to visit family members and neighbours, it is better to provide the hand sanitizer at your own preparation.

2. Check the body temperature

For those who wish to receive guests, it is best to take a precaution measure by checking their body’s temperature for every guest that come to our house. It is also recommended that the guests need to write their name as a step of registration during visiting time to your home.

3. Identify the Size of Your House

The government has limited the activities and only involves the immediate family members and not more than 20 persons in one house. But it is noted that capacity of 20 people is not applicable to all size of houses.

“The limit of 20 people is also according to the size of the house. For example, if a flat is 600 sqft, 20 people may be too crowded and cannot create a social spacing. Thus, five people are allowed to enter a pilgrimage at any one time, reaching the quota of 20 people on the first day of the festival”, said Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

4. Seniors are at home? This is a reasonable step.

For you with seniors like parents and grandparents at home, perhaps this is a reasonable step to be taken. For a few moments, avoid your home from accepting guests.

This is because according to the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), the elderly is a high-risk individual to be infected with Covid-19 epidemic. Thus, make a moment of this memories and keep it in a later day as we believe that after this outbreak, it is definitely a good sacrifice.

5. Avoid Hand Shake

If previously hand shaking is a custom routine in Aidilfitri, for this year you might have to avoid it. As a public awareness it is quite just to visit and apologize orally. The most important is to adopt social distancing.

6. Use A Disposable Food Container

True! As a preparation, it is appropriate for us to use a food container that can be worn away. Not only save time, it is also safer after being worn and thrown into trash bins.

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Khai Azfar (2020), Hanya Raya Pertama Dibenarkan! Ini Tips Ziarah Di Aidilfitri. Retrieved from:

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