Kredit Gambar: Free Malaysia Today
Every time Raya Celebration definitely has a dish that is served or prepared meat-based.
The meat-like Rendang, Floss, Kerutub, and other kinds of dishes that are certainly savory and losers are not consumed. As a result, without realizing the cholesterol level is high.
In addition to control nutrition during the festive celebrations, we are putting an effort to lower cholesterol levels as recommended by the former Deputy Director of the principal researcher at the MARDI Food Technology & Sciences Research Centre, Dr. Suri Roowi:
1. Consumed Olive Oil
Eat or drink olive oil (many other Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids @ MUFA). Olive oil is proved in many scientific studies around the world for heart health.
2. High Fibre Food
Eat a lot of water-soluble fiber sources e.g. oat and fruits. High water-soluble fiber is the ability to help lose cholesterol compared to non-soluble fiber.
3. Oat and Barley
Eat oat and drink barley (high-quality beta-glucosamine). This material is capable of controlling the entry of cholesterol in the blood.
4. Great Garlic to Melt Blood
Garlic contains allicin and sulfur components. Allicin function helps to melt blood.
5. Anti-Cholesterol Lime
Drink orange juice, lemon, or lime (rich material flavanone) which acts as Anti-Cholesterol. In the body, these substances form a material that acts as an anti-cholesterol.
6. Green Tea
Drink green tea, it's rich in epigallocatechin material (ECGC) and epicatechin that can help drop cholesterol.
7. Rich Omega Fish Oil
Take fish oil supplements because it is rich in omega3 nutrients that are also good to lower the risk of heart pain.
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