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Indonesian Give Compliments to Malaysian Government in Benefits from Covid-19 Issue

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By: Ashikin


Following the restricted movement order has been effective since 18 March, many of Malaysian are affected because they cannot be out of work as usual to find income to earn family daily income.

However, various forms of initiative are given by the Government of Malaysia to help the people to be severely affected by providing assistance through the National Care Aid (BPN).

MOST Indonesians give complements to Malaysian Government that help the people in fighting with Covid-19 and they are also said that Malaysia is among the best countries that manage their people.

In fact, most of them were surprised by the most recent situation in Malaysia with government-taken measures to cause Malaysians to not panic to face such a great disaster.

Indonesian is seen to praise the actions of the Malaysian Government in assisting the people who is affected by COVID-19.

Through a Youtube video broadcast by a Youtuber Macan Idealis titled "Surprise! This is the latest condition in Malaysia", an interview conducted with Prof Dr Irwandi Jaswir who is also an expert in biotechnology.

Macan Idealis who interviewing Prof. Dr. Irwandi Jaswir, about the current condition in Malaysia was surprised and shocked. Even if the situation had been in the presence of a variety of political problems in Malaysia, the efficiency and government's uncertainties caused the people to stand behind the ruler, but even if the opposition would be in action to be criticised by the people.

Irwandi states the situation in Malaysia proving that commanding is ready and wise to manage disaster situations such as this Covid-19 issue.

4 The terms of Malaysian rulers who are admired and must be exemplary;

First, all the information from one source has no conflict from State or district. Every day the people can listen to the latest developments from Ministry of Health and the rulers without any discrepancy.

Second, honest and transparent, statistical figures can be followed well and from authentic information, can be traced to patients from cases by this case making it easier for people to know and understand.

Third, there are guarantees and basic requirements from the Government, hardly listening to food shortage, even students in universities and colleges get food for free from the government. Lack of basic materials are not available in Malaysia, they spend as usual and the government's assurance of adequate needs.

Fourth, the announcement of the economic stimulus package would help the people, covering all groups, providing adequate needs in hospitals to address the pandemic Covid-19.

The announcement of aid to the people such as the economic stimulus package is concerned that the people are not panic and will obey to the government directives until adherence to the Restricted Movement Order (PKP).

In fact, comments in the YouTube room are more surprising when people have continually praised the Malaysian government and expect their Government to follow the steps taken.

Since March 16, Indonesia also undertook a large-scale social restriction (PSBB) order in stages addressing the spread of COVID-19.

Indonesia also announced a wide range of assistance and initiatives to its people, including financial assistance of Rp600, 000 (RM 168.41) a month for three months and the help of the card Sembako (Basic goods card requirement) costing Rp200, 000 (RM 56.14) per month, for nine months to 20 million qualified families. -BERNAMA

In fact, comments in the YouTube room are more surprising when people have continually praised the Malaysian government and expect his Government to follow the steps taken.

Recently, a legendary singer from Japan also praised the action of the Malaysian government in alleviating the burden of the people following the pandemic COVID-19.

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Macan Idealis (2020), Mengejutkan!! Beginilah Kondisi Terkini di Malaysia. Retrieved from:


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