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Discrimination Against Women Workers in Japan

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Gambar Hiasan. Sumber:

During the spread of COVID-19 outbreak, the media reported a divorce case is increased. Therefore there is the term ' coronavirus divorce ' in Japan.

According to KamaCurrently there is a firm that provides temporary rental services for the placement. It has 500 units throughout the country and due to lack of tourists, all the units were almost vacant (Kamal Zarif, 2020)

Nowadays, too much time at home increases the risk of divorce. So firms provide ' temporary protection ' help to those who have family issues, or just to find a comfortable and silent place. Such as Airbnb and had furniture in it.

The Apartment that is being reported costing 4,400 yen per day (RM180), cheap isn't it? According to the firm's report, there were already 20 customers using its services. In fact, the services provided include once with a divorce consultancy with a legal officer for free for 30 minutes.

For women who want to work in Japan, need to consider that Japan is the 121 country out of 153 countries in the world in the gender Gap Index, according to World Economic Forum 2020.

The single mother in this sunrise country is also difficult to get the place. There is currently no ' joint Care ' (joint custody). Women are more likely to cover spending in raising children.

The Japanese women have also often received part-time employment or low-performing work. It is because there are impressions when there are children, women who are more likely to ' come ' from the employment sector.

For women who want to work in Japan, need to consider that Japan is the 121 country out of 153 countries in the world in the gender Gap Index, according to World Economic Forum 2020.

Thus, poverty in single mothers can say has exceeded 50%. According to Inagaki Seiichi, professor of International University of Health and Welfare, the poverty rate for older women will increase more than 2 times for 40 years to come, where it is worth at 25%.

The single mother in this sunrise country is also difficult to get the place. There is currently no ' joint Care ' (joint custody). Women are more likely to cover spending in raising children.

For unmarried women, older women, approximately 50% of their death rate. From studies made, Japanese women will run out of 20 years before they pass away.

Since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe began working in 2012, 2/3 of 3.5 million people entering the employment sector were just part-time work. Since the mid-2000 ′s, the trend of the part-time job entry was increased among women in the last 15 years.

While other countries are involved in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), the trend decreases. According to a study from the government sector under the Prime Minister Abe, 40% of women who have full time work will convert to part time or leave jobs, when beginning to conceive.

More than 40% of women working part-time only earn 1 million yen (RM41, 000) or less for a year. That is below the poverty level. For one household, the average cost of living per month for more than 2 people is 287,315 yen (RM11, 779.90).

Thus, poverty in single mothers can say has exceeded 50%. According to Inagaki Seiichi, professor of International University of Health and Welfare, the poverty rate for older women will increase more than 2 times for 40 years to come, where it is worth at 25%.

For the private sector, many companies provide a spouse's husband allowance to employees, as long as their spouse gets less than a certain value. This is among the reasons why women reduce their working load so that they get the benefits.

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Kamal Zarif (2020), Diskriminasi Gender Dan Gaji Rendah, Ini Realiti Sedih Pekerja Wanita Perlu Tempuhi Di Jepun. Retrieved from:

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