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British Tourist Throws His Wife Off Balcony Due To Stress On Covid-19

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According to Bangkok Post News, A British tourist has been arrested after allegedly throwing his Thai wife off a balcony after becoming aggravated due to the coronavirus lockdown.

Dave Mitchell, 46, was detained yesterday after his partner, Sukanda, 56, was hurled from the seventh floor of an apartment block in Rayong, reported.

Paramedics arrived and treated the injured and still-conscious woman at the scene before taking her to hospital. She told police that her English husband had thrown her over the balcony while they were arguing.

Ms Sukanda only fell between one and two floors, as she landed on a protruding roof from an adjacent building, which saved her life. Police said Mrs Sukanda had suffered a fractured hip and dislocated arm in the fall.

Officers then spent more than two hours trying to convince Mr Mitchel to leave his residence, as he had barricaded himself inside the apartment.

Mr Mitchell was pictured sitting on the white balcony with his hands clasped together, seemingly appearing to pray. Neighbours eventually helped police force their way into the room and the man was arrested. Mr Mitchell told officers he was stressed because flights back to the UK had been cancelled and he was unable to return due to Covid-19.

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Bangkok Post (2020). Brit tosses Thai wife off balcony. Retrieved from:


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