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Zakat of Ramadhan – ZAKAT FITRAH

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Zakat is a personal investment that is determined by the individual and Muslim individuals who are capable of the prescribed conditions.

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and is wajib (compulsory) on Muslim’s who meet all the conditions. The word Zakat itself means to purify. Technically Zakat means a fixed proportion collected from a specific type of mal (wealth) when they reach the haul (specific term) which must be distributed to specific categories of people. Giving Zakat means Muslim’s are purifying their wealth by giving a part of it to the needy as well as to gain Allah’s blessing on their wealth. It teaches us to sacrifice a part of our wealth, to cleanse our wealth by means of Zakat.

As Muslim’s we also believe that everything belongs to Allah as stated in the Quran, “To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth” (2:255). When we are given wealth, there is a portion that does not belong to us which is also stated in the Quran “And in their wealth, there was a right for one who asks and for one who is deprived” (51:19)

A common misconception is that Zakat is a form of Islamic tax system, which it is not. Zakat is an assigned amount that is worth 2.5% of your wealth which is to be paid to the community. The community are then to use the Zakat contributions to support the less privileged among them.


Zakat Fitrah is also known as Zakat on the Person, Zakat of Ramadan or Zakat Fitri. Zakat Fitrah was obliged in the second year of Hijrah, the same year that fasting in Ramadan was made obligatory. Zakat Fitrah is prescribed as a means of purification for the person who fasts, redressing wrong deeds and undesirable words uttered during fasting. Zakat is also a relief-aid to the needy.


Muslims who are required to provide zakat for themselves and family or dependents are:

  • Individuals who have excess food or their wealth from dependents needs on the night and morning.

  • Children who is born before the sun fall at the end of the month of Ramadhan and live after sunset.

  • Converted to Islam before the sunset at the end of Ramadan and his permanent religion.

  • A person who died after the sunset of the final of Ramadhan.


The method of payment of the zakat is a fundamental food from the type of filling. The matter was explained through the hadith of the narrated, by Abu Said al-Khudry meaning:

“... We are the companions of the people with the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who is often providing the zakat from the small and large, free or servant of a food or one pot of cheese or one pot of Tamar or one pot of Zabib. Thus we continued to do so until we came to us by Muawiyah Abi Bee to work with the worship of Hajj or Umrah, then he delivered his speech on the Pulander, then in his speech to the people said: I think, that a mud (cupak) of the wheat Sham is one of the Sha ' (Gantang) Tamar. After that, the community did so while Abu Bee said: I had to remove it as first "

(Hadis riwayat Muslim)


The ‘pot’ is equivalent of 2.70 kg of rice or its value. This rate is based on the state-of-the-State religious authority.


The time of the zakat is divided into 5:

1. Compulsory Time

When the sunset is final of Ramadhan until the sun is Syawal.

2. Afdal Time

Prior to the Eid prayer

3. Sunnah Time

During the month of Ramadhan

4. Makruh Time

After the Eid prayer until the sunset is one Syawal.

5. Illegal Time

After the sunset of one Syawal.


  • Purify sins for fasting.

  • Feeding the poor.

  • Pasting the shortage of fasting.

  • Cherish to Allah SWT for successful completion Ramadhan.

  • Be thankful to Allah SWT for the gift of sufficient year in a safe situation.

  • Giving joy to the hungry people on Eid.

  • Nourishing the love among them and others.

May Allah accept our fast and purify us from all our sins during and after this Holy Month of Ramadan and May, we all be able to pay our Fitrah on time at the end of Ramadan!

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SOALAN 63 (23 RAMADAN 1436H BERSAMAAN 10/07/2015), Hikmah Zakat Fitrah. Retrieved from:

SOALAN 53 (21 RAMADAN 1436H BERSAMAAN 08/07/2015), PENSYARIATAN ZAKAT. Retrieved from:

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