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History of Keamatan Festival

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According to the history of the Festival of Kaamatan or another name that is ( Tadau Kaamatan ) or in the Kadazan language "Magavau" is a special festival in honor of "Bambazon" which is the spirit of rice. This festival is a tradition practiced by the Kadazan-Dusun people since time immemorial. This "Magavau" festival is usually held after harvesting rice. This celebrated celebration of Kaamatan has been approved by the Colonial Government Council as a public holiday of Sabah since 1960, by Tun Haji Mohamad Fuad Stephens, The first Chief Minister of Sabah.

Tun Haji Mohamad Fuad Stephens, Ketua Menteri Sabah yang pertama. Kredit Gambar:

The usual festivities include Sumazau dance performances and performances. This dance is performed by the peasants consisting of men and women in their traditional clothes. But in the past two people can dance the Sumazau dance with the accompaniment of the gong drum. It's not difficult for any of these dances. it's easy to have both hands raised to the shoulder level and fluttered like a bird's wings, according to the rhythm they play. Examples like the video above. It can be fun even if it's not boring.

2013 Invitation Match Competition

Pertandingan Unduk Ngadau 2012. Kredit Gambar:

In addition to the Sumazau dance performances, there is also a singing competition called Sugandoi, bodybuilding show, and beauty queen or " Unduk Ngadau ", and performances of all kinds of arts and crafts. Games like hitting the gong and people's sports are also among the main events of the festival. But most of the time, most people are aware that Unduk Ngadau.of coz is the prettiest girl in all.

Seorang nenek sedang menyedut air tapai dengan menggunakan Sumbiling dari tempayan besar. Kredit Gambar:

One of the popular dishes during the festival is drinking tapai or "Kinomol", a traditional type of alcohol. Tapai is their traditional beverage, made from rice (rice) or sweet potato. The rice will be refrigerated in a large pot or "green" for a week, or the sweet potatoes for two to three weeks. Usually, tapai is mixed with yeast to speed up the process of "taste" the tapai. Traditional foods are also provided in conjunction with the day.

They used a small bamboo called "Spindle" to suck this tap water out of a large pot. Sips are usually used to drink tap water made from wooden tubers. In addition, they also used a special glass called "Singgarung" made of bamboo.


There are many pronunciations of these Magavau words according to the dialect and location of the Kadazan Dusun tribe. However, it still carries the same meaning.

According to oral tradition, Kinohingan (God) and his wife Suminundu had a daughter named Huminodun. In order to save the Kadazandusun people from starvation because they did not have enough food, Kinorohingan had to sacrifice their beloved son Huminodun. Huminodun was sacrificed and his body was interred in full ceremonies. It is said that Huminodun's body has produced a variety of plant seeds that are the main food for us today. One of the seeds of the plant is rice. As part of Huminodun's body produces rice, there is a belief that it has a spirit called "Bambarayon".

From this incident, the Kadazan Dusun people started the Kaamatan Festival, also known as KOKOTUAN (Harvest Festival) as celebrated from the beginning until now. This kind of celebration is hoping for a better future. The ritual of honoring the rice spirit is the rice that has been harvested and has been safely put into the tawai (Rice) container. In addition, the festival of Kaamatan also reminds the people of their origins and creators - Humoroun, who is willing to sacrifice his beloved son - Humindoun to save them from starvation.

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Syabella (2014), Cuti Keamatan. Retrieved from:


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